Sufjan Stevens is the anchor artist and NY label Rep. for Asthmatic Kitty, which has lots more to offer. Try Liz Janes for example, The Castinets, or Half-Handed Cloud: all rising stars in the world of quirky soft whispering electro-folk with eclectic instrumentation. -Pete Drover “Born in 1999, Asthmatic Kitty Records was originally conceived as a platform for musical projects by a community of artists from Holland, Michigan, a small city on the shore of Lake Michigan. Some were Holland natives, and others had come to attend local colleges and universities. While the original Holland nucleus has now dispersed to various parts of the country, the fellowship is still growing, with new friends and shared projects with other independent labels. Asthmatic Kitty is now based in Lander, Wyoming, Indianapolis, Indiana and New York City. Asthmatic Kitty was named after Sara, a voluptuous orange and white longhair who wandered out of the woods in 1995, pregnant, starving, and afflicted with various parasites and ailments, including feline asthma. Although she still wheezes a bit, especially when being chased by her sister Tabby, Sara today enjoys a healthy and happy life of luxury. Cast-off animals make the best pets!”NEIL YOUNG & CRAZYHORSE
The Shacks
The Shacks EP
The Sparrow and the Crow
The Best of the Original Mono Recordings
Tea and Revenge
Song of the Lakes
Poets Say
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