Orangefarben is German for the color orange and the colorful orange packaging here belies the bittersweet nature of the music. Singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist, Julie Ann Bee, is back with her second full-length release under the moniker Sea of Bees. Having just come out of her first long-term relationship, she seems to have put it all in writing. The songs are often sad, or at least contemplative. They are backed, however by jangly guitars, sweet melodies, and well-done production (by Thom Monahan who previously worked with Vetiver, Pernice Brothers, and Fruit Bats) giving the album an overall twee sound. Rebecca RuthDan Vaillancourt
Lovely Distractions
Neil Nathan
Flowers On The Moon
Ani DiFranco: Reprieve
Grant Peeples And The Peeples Republik
A Congress of Treasons
Tea and Revenge
Bap Kennedy
Reckless Heart
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