JACKSON BROWNE Time The Conqueror This is Jackson Browne’s first release of all new material since 2002’s the “Naked Ride Home” and his most political since he left our lives in the balance in 1986. This is classic Jackson Browne question the Authority on “The Drums of War” As he raises the questions what are we really fighting for and who is making all the profits from human tragedy. “Where were You” is an almost 10 minute attack on how this administration & all officials handled the Hurricane Katrina catastrophe & “Going To Cuba” celebrates the music of Cuba & it’s natural beauties while questing why we still have a travel embargo against this nation. Not all tracks are political and Jackson proves he can make beautiful music that makes you think about the state of the American Dream and as reminding us that time heals all wounds and gives it enough time it can be the Conqueror. After one listen to this disc you will know why Jackson Browne is a Rock & Roll hall of fame inductee as well as the song writer’s hall of fame. Reviewed By: Gregg SaurPAUL BURCH
Still Your Man
Lee Bob & The Truth
The Light LP
Fortunate Ones
The Bliss
Todd Snider
Peace, Love and Anarchy (Rarities, B-Sides and Demos, Vol. 1)
Fairport Convention
Over the Next Hill
The Silence of Love
The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.