Recently relocated to North Carolina (at the urging of the Avett Brothers), this is Paleface's second release for Ramseur Records. Bringing his New York attitude with him, this is a folk record with punk character. Being similar to the first Ramseur Records release, this seems to be "The Show is on the Road" part two: although drummer, Mo, contributed more to this release than the last, taking on lead vocal duties for the title track and doing the album layout; while PF did the artwork for the cover. This is another step forward in the evolution of the Paleface package. Rebecca RuthJohn Craigie
No Rain, No Rose
Live at Massey Hall, 1971
Eilen Jewell
Boundary County
Break The Spell
Various Artists
My Blueberry Nights Soundtrack
Soundtrack to the Motion Picture Film "Once"
The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.