Honky Tonk Heart


The signature "chugga-chugga" of the guitars and the bass and the steady drumbeat alerts you immediately you're in vintage Johnny Cash territory as local musicians Delilah and the boys churn out ten honky tonk tunes, three of them instrumentals (#2, #5 and #10). Adding to the drama, the Lost Boys happen to be Delilah's three ex-husbands (top that, Man in Black). Delilah sings about trucks, bars, busted hearts and Stonewall Jackson with alternately tough and pleading vocals and the boys, well, they just keep that train-like beat coming. One of the boys sings the vocal on "Adios" (#8), otherwise She Who Can Stand On Her Bass And Play It At The Same Time is in the driver's seat. Turn back your musical clock and give it a spin. MJVD 09/08 F-Honky Tonk LOCAL

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Compiled by the WYCE Journalism Club

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