Break The Spell


Ellis is the kind of person you want to be making music. Great voice, confident guitar playing, these are just the kind of talented things that could be wasted, but is wisely put to use here. “Break The Spell” the sixth album released by Ellis, is an emotional journey through the familiar folk sound, but with a fresh take on the idea. “Before You Leave” was a track written for a friend who lost the battle with cancer two days after the song was recorded. This is the kind of song that really works well with Ellis’ voice. Her smooth, but slightly rough voice captures the emotion of the lyrical content perfectly. “City On Fire” is the stand-out-track here. The slightly political lyrics seem to be so true today, and will remain just as important in the years and decades to come. Ellis has won critics over as the “Best Female Performer” and also “Most Wanted To Return” at the 2006 Falcon Ridge Folk Festival. These are not her first accolades, and I am sure with this release they won’t be her last.--Tim Warren for WYCE

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Compiled by the WYCE Journalism Club

The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.