By recording Chicago’s “If You Leave Me Now,” Suzy Bogguss has firmly planted herself in the adult contemporary genre. Sweet Danger, the ex-country singer’s most recent album, features a smooth jazz backdrop for Bogguss’s agreeable vocals. Most songs are midtempo, but “Right Back into the Feeling” is a bluesy, uptempo tune. “In Heaven” is called the “emotional centerpiece of the album” and tells the story of a wife talking to her dead husband in heaven about her new love (think “Butterfly Kisses”). “Chain Lover” and “No Good Way to Go,” a song about leaving one’s lover, feel like thematic misfits on the honeyed album, although “Chain Lover” offers a great metaphor: “I’m a chain lover, lightin’ up another before I put the other one out.” --MLGVarious Artists
My Blueberry Nights Soundtrack
Jefferson Ross
Live At Hillbilly Haiku
Into the Quiet
Goldmine Pickers
Lonesome Gone
The High Above And The Down Below
Weyes Blood
Front Row Seat To Earth
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