Beth Bombara
Map & No DirectionMap & No Direction 2017 via All The Right Pills
JWo, for your listening pleasure, Tuesdays 3-6p & whenever; music for head, heart, & soul.
on GR Live tomorrow @ noon! 88.1fm or live from the BOB!
10/7 @ 20 Monroe
6/18 @ Pyramid Scheme!
w/ Pokey LaFarge @ Pyramid Scheme 6/18
Tune in each Thursday at noon for our next episode of GR Live! We'll be broadcasting live from HOME at The BOB in downtown Grand Rapids.
This week, host Quinn Mathews welcomes longtime WYCE favorite John Gorka, plus rising talent Amelia K Spicer, and veteran Grand Rapids band Mid-Life Crisis.
Those who are part of the live audience can enjoy Bobarino's pizza buffet and beverages from BOB's Brewery! If you can't make it, tune in to hear the show from noon to 1pm right here on WYCE!
GR Live is made possible by Experience Grand Rapids, Downtown Grand Rapids, INC. and Founders Brewing - more information and schedule at "GR Live Radio dot com"
w/ BJ the Chicago Kid
11/4 @ VanAndel
6/17 @ Founders Brewing