Ani DiFranco is committed to speaking the truth as she sees it. She does so by turning her poetry and political ideas into songs. Her inspiration comes from the world she sees around her and the life she lives, bringing voice to the human experience. "Across 12 tracks, DiFranco ignites more of her signature blend of poetry, politics and musicianship." 8. AFTER 10 PM 9. NO PLAYGORD DOWNIE AND THE COUNTRY MIRACLES
The Grand Bounce
Autumn Falli'
Keren Ann
Not Going Anywhere
Keep the Light Alive: Celebrating the Music of Lowen and Navarro
Seth Bernard and Daisy May
The Copper Country Quintet
Joanna Newsom
The Milk-Eyed Mender
The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.