George Ezra

Wanted on Voyage


George Ezra’s highly anticipated debut album, “Wanted on Voyage”, has been toping the charts in the United Kingdom for weeks now. His folksy pop vibe creates easy to sing along to tunes that can quickly become those songs that get stuck in your head for hours. The opening track “Blame it on me” is a toe tapper and easily one of the most successful tracks on the record.

As the album progresses we hear familiar tracks from his earlier EPs like “Budapest” and “Did you Hear the Rain?” both offering catchy yet repetitive lyrics. “Did you Hear the Rain?” must be the most dynamic track on the record giving the listener contemplative lyrics and a more forceful sound. Unfortunately some of the tracks simply fall short to these older songs leaning too heavily on pop conventions like the incessant synth introduction in “Stand by Your Gun”. Overall this record is commercially appealing as well as having some songs that can reach folk lovers with Ezra’s undeniably powerful vocals.

review by Mariah

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The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.