Cerys (Kare-iss) Matthews was the lead singer for the Welsh pop/rock band Catatonia which recorded four successful albums in the 90's. Matthews went through the familiar rock star routine of fame-fast livin'-substance abuse-breakdown-recovery. Searching for a new focus, she went to Nashville in 2002 and collaborated with Bucky Baxter, lap steel guitarist for Dylan and Ryan Adams. Baxter served as producer for Cockahoop, Matthews' first solo release.Matthews' unique voice leads the way through the set. It's rather thin and frail, but, at the same time, it's very expressive, intense, and full of passion. The album contains original songs, covers, and some traditional Welsh folk songs. The marriage of pop/rock, Welsh tradition, and Nashville soul make for a highly original and outstanding piece of work.
A Treasure
Stoned Beautiful
Cowboy Junkies
At the End of Paths Taken
Potato Moon
Lyal Strickland
Balanced on Barbed Wire
Jennifer Vazquez
Rediscovering Me
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