RUTHIE AND THE WRANGLERS AMERICANA EXPRESS Combining roots rock, rockabilly, honky tonk country and lots of fun Ruthie and the Wranglers have released a captivating CD that will make their listeners want to jump on board and take a ride. This band from the Washington DC area combines elements of Molly and the Makers, Asleep at the Wheel as well as Southern Culture on the Skids to make their own brand of Americana. Although this is a full band effort Ruthie Logsdon possesses a voice that has earned her the prestigious vocalist of the year Wammie award in Washington DC on at least 3 different occasions. The tracks on this disc are cleverly crafted with enough humor to keep their listeners smiling through all 12 tracks. Jump on board the Americana Express and leave all your troubles at the door you wont be disappointed. Reviewed By; Gregg SaurDavid Crosby
The Eighteenth Day of May
The Eighteenth Day of May
Marshall Rhodes
Marshall Rhodes
David Berkeley
After the Wrecking Ships
The opinions expressed in these reviews are those of the individual volunteers that submitted the article and do not necessarily reflect the views of WYCE or GRCMC; nor its staff, donors, or affiliates.