HungersiteDripfield 2022 via No Coincidence
Play Concert Calendar
Support for WYCE comes from the Destination Kent Committee.
On August 6th, Kent County will vote on the Lodging Tax Proposal to increase the lodging tax from five to eight percent on hotel/motel stays.
More information on the impacts of the lodging tax and how such revenue would be used can be found at yesdestinationkent.org.
This message was paid for with regulated funds by the Destination Kent Committee.
Today's WYCE Business Day Sponsor is Mangiamo... a dining establishment known for its elevated Italian cuisine and historic setting on Lake Drive.
Their new and expanded menu includes a variety of modern Italian offerings, including steaks, chops, and fresh seafood.
The patio area and gated lawn are now open for outdoor dining this summer.
Do-it-yourself TV, podcasting, and filmmaking start here at the Grand Rapids Community Media Center with GRTV!
GRTV's certification classes are now back in full swing, and they offer knowledge & access for makers of every skill level.
Class offerings include Intro to Video Production, Intro to Podcasting, Studio Production, and others
Once certified, GRCMC Members get free access to GRTV gear, available for checkout during business hours.
You can learn more at grtv dot org slash learn. (grtv.org/learn)
Support for WYCE comes from First Steps Kent.
The Ready by Five Early Childhood Millage provides dedicated funding for programs that improve the health, school readiness, and well-being of children five and younger.
In 2022, Ready by Five served more than twelve thousand young children in Kent County. Thousands more were supported with information about early childhood.
More information about The Ready by Five Early Childhood Millage is at first steps kent dot org.
This message was paid for with regulated funds by Yes Ready by Five.
Support for WYCE comes from the Destination Kent Committee.
On August 6th, Kent County will vote on the Lodging Tax Proposal to increase the lodging tax from five to eight percent on hotel/motel stays.
More information on the impacts of the lodging tax and how such revenue would be used can be found at yesdestinationkent.org.
This message was paid for with regulated funds by the Destination Kent Committee.
Today's WYCE Business Day Sponsor is Mangiamo... a dining establishment known for its elevated Italian cuisine and historic setting on Lake Drive.
Their new and expanded menu includes a variety of modern Italian offerings, including steaks, chops, and fresh seafood.
The patio area and gated lawn are now open for outdoor dining this summer.
Support for WYCE comes from John Ball Zoo, presenting their 21 and up concert series, Rock, Roar, and Pour!
John Ball Zoo invites you to enjoy live music during select nights at the zoo this summer.
This Thursday, July 25th, Rock, Roar, and Pour welcomes live music from West Michigan's Cabildo.
Tomorrow's Rock, Roar, and Pour event will include street performers, food trucks, specialty drinks, and the opportunity to visit animal habitats in a kid-free environment.
Tickets and more information on John Ball Zoo's Rock, Roar, and Pour Summer Concert Series are available at jbzoo dot org
Playing the Stache of 7/25
Support for WYCE comes from First Steps Kent.
The Ready by Five Early Childhood Millage provides dedicated funding for programs that improve the health, school readiness, and well-being of children five and younger.
In 2022, Ready by Five served more than twelve thousand young children in Kent County. Thousands more were supported with information about early childhood.
More information about The Ready by Five Early Childhood Millage is at first steps kent dot org.
This message was paid for with regulated funds by Yes Ready by Five.
Support for WYCE comes from the Destination Kent Committee.
On August 6th, Kent County will vote on the Lodging Tax Proposal to increase the lodging tax from five to eight percent on hotel/motel stays.
More information on the impacts of the lodging tax and how such revenue would be used can be found at yesdestinationkent.org.
This message was paid for with regulated funds by the Destination Kent Committee.
Today's WYCE Business Day Sponsor is Mangiamo... a dining establishment known for its elevated Italian cuisine and historic setting on Lake Drive.
Their new and expanded menu includes a variety of modern Italian offerings, including steaks, chops, and fresh seafood.
The patio area and gated lawn are now open for outdoor dining this summer.