ArrowDripfield 2022 via No Coincidence
Lowell Arts is proud to announce they've added additional concerts to their new concert series for 2025.
The series is organized by Lowell Arts in partnership with Sound Check, a music venue in downtown Lowell, Michigan.
There will be eight new shows now through May 17th.
Doors open at 6:30 PM, concerts start at 7:00 PM.
More information on Lowell Arts Sound Check Concerts can be found at lowellarts. dot org
GRTV is offering a new service that allows community members and organizations to digitize their outdated home media through the launch of its "Media Preservation Suite."
Are you a Michigan musician or know of a few talented artists?
Do-it-yourself TV, podcasting, and filmmaking start here at the Grand Rapids Community Media Center with GRTV!
GRTV's certification classes are now back in full swing, and they offer knowledge & access for makers of every skill level.
Class offerings include Intro to Video Production, Intro to Podcasting, Studio Production, and others
Once certified, GRCMC Members get free access to GRTV gear, available for checkout during business hours.
You can learn more at grtv dot org slash learn. (grtv.org/learn)