Half SisterRelatives In Descent 2017 via Domino
Tune in every other Friday from noon to 3 for my variety show and every Sunday night from 8-9 for Structures, my jazz specialty show.
Are you a Michigan musician or know of a few talented artists?
Support for WYCE comes from 2 Stones Events presenting Marshall Crenshaw live at St. Cecilia Music Center.
Marshall Crenshaw is on tour celebrating his 40 years of being in the music industry.
Crenshaw will be performing at St. Cecilia on March 22nd.
Tickets and more information can be found at scmcgr dot org forward slash concerts.
Support for WYCE comes from the Grand Rapids Public Library...presenting Michigan author Jim *DuFresne (*doo' frain), for a discussion about his life and work, On Tuesday, March 26 at the main branch of the Grand Rapids Public Library, from 7-8pm.
Author Jim *DuFresne's (*doo' frain), talk is designed for those who love the outdoors, including hiking and backpacking tips from one of Michigan's experts.
The event is open to the public, and registration is available now at GRPL dot org forward slash "register."
Support for WYCE comes from The BOB... proud to present their Chilly Blues and Brews Annual Chili Cook-Off Competition and Live Blues Festival on Saturday, March 23, from noon to 4pm at The BOB.
The BOB's Chilly Blues and Brews will feature 40 chilis to sample and prizes for different entries.
There will be live music from Asamu Johnson & The Associates of Blues and Kathleen & The Bridge Street Band, plus a hot pepper eating contest.
More information about signing up for The BOBs Annual Chili Cook-Off Competition is at thebob dot com
Support for WYCE comes from Vertigo Music of Grand Rapids. Vertigo Music is proud to support New Standards, airing every Sunday night at 6pm on WYCE.
Vertigo Music offer tens of thousands of new and used LPs, CDs, and cassettes spanning all musical genres, plus new music in stock daily. Online at VertigoMusic Dot GR.
Host Larae brings you the very best of the latest new music releases on WYCE's New Standards Program every Sunday night from 6 to 7 PM on 88.1 FM. WYCE.
Play Concert Calendar
Support for WYCE comes from the Grand Rapids Public Library...presenting Michigan author Jim *DuFresne (*doo' frain), for a discussion about his life and work, On Tuesday, March 26 at the main branch of the Grand Rapids Public Library, from 7-8pm.
Author Jim *DuFresne's (*doo' frain), talk is designed for those who love the outdoors, including hiking and backpacking tips from one of Michigan's experts.
The event is open to the public, and registration is available now at GRPL dot org forward slash "register."
Support for WYCE comes from The BOB... proud to present their Chilly Blues and Brews Annual Chili Cook-Off Competition and Live Blues Festival on Saturday, March 23, from noon to 4pm at The BOB.
The BOB's Chilly Blues and Brews will feature 40 chilis to sample and prizes for different entries.
There will be live music from Asamu Johnson & The Associates of Blues and Kathleen & The Bridge Street Band, plus a hot pepper eating contest.
More information about signing up for The BOBs Annual Chili Cook-Off Competition is at thebob dot com
Support for WYCE comes from Switchback Gear Exchange... a full-service bike shop and community hub!
Switchback Gear Exchange features many new and used bikes, accessories, and expert bike services.
Also offering craft beers, cocktails, and non-alcoholic selections.
On Tuesdays, Switchback hosts a bluegrass jam. On Thursdays, there is an acoustic open mic opportunity to listen to or play some tunes.
More information on Switchback is on most Social Media platforms or at goswitchback dot com.
Support for WYCE comes from Live Nation Presenting Cage The Elephant at the Van Andel Arena.
Cage The Elephant will be performing with special guests Young The Giant and Bakar on Friday August 16th.
Tickets and more information for Cage The Elephant at the Van Andel Arena can be found at ticket master dot com.
Support for WYCE comes from the Grand Rapids Public Library...presenting Michigan author Jim *DuFresne (*doo' frain), for a discussion about his life and work, On Tuesday, March 26 at the main branch of the Grand Rapids Public Library, from 7-8pm.
Author Jim *DuFresne's (*doo' frain), talk is designed for those who love the outdoors, including hiking and backpacking tips from one of Michigan's experts.
The event is open to the public, and registration is available now at GRPL dot org forward slash "register."
Support for WYCE comes from The BOB... proud to present their Chilly Blues and Brews Annual Chili Cook-Off Competition and Live Blues Festival on Saturday, March 23, from noon to 4pm at The BOB.
The BOB's Chilly Blues and Brews will feature 40 chilis to sample and prizes for different entries.
There will be live music from Asamu Johnson & The Associates of Blues and Kathleen & The Bridge Street Band, plus a hot pepper eating contest.
More information about signing up for The BOBs Annual Chili Cook-Off Competition is at thebob dot com