Wolff & Clark Expedition
Mercy, Mercy, MercyWolff & Clark Expedition 2013 via Random Act Records
Did you know that half a million children in Michigan live in food insecure households?
More than 34,000 of those children live right here in West Michigan.
The only way we will realize a hunger-free community is by getting there together.
Kids' Food Basket is a food equity nonprofit supporting West Michigan kids and families by increasing access to healthy, nourishing meals.
More information at kids food basket dot org.
Vibrant Futures wants Kent County parents and caregivers to know about their Little Scholars program.
The Little Scholars program is designed to teach parents how to learn and reinforce important techniques for strengthening growth, child development, and learning for their infant, toddler or preschool child.
Parent coaching can be done at home, by phone, Zoom, or in a convenient location of your choice.
Cost for this program is covered by the generosity of Kent County taxpayers and is offered to parents of children between 0 to 5 years old in Kent County.
Interested persons can learn more at vibrant futures mi dot org forward slash little-scholars.
Support for WYCE comes from Founders Brewing.
Founders Brewing will be hosting a Breakfast Stout Breakfast at Founders Brewing Company!
Admission includes entry to the event, a breakfast buffet, a commemorative Breakfast Stout Breakfast mug, and the first serving of Breakfast Stout.
The event runs from 9 am to noon on October 21st.
Tickets and more information available at foundersbrewing dot com.
The YWCA West Central Michigan is a social justice organization with more than 100 years of experience providing service to, and advocating on behalf of the most vulnerable people in our community.
WYCE's Specialty programming on Friday includes Acoustic Cafe from 9-11 am and Local Spins from 11 am until Noon.
If you can't catch the shows on Friday, you can now listen to a replay on the weekend.
On Sunday, it's Acoustic Cafe from 3-5 pm and Local Spins from 5-6 right here on a World of Music, 88.1 FM WYCE, on our app, and streaming online at WYCE dot org.
Today's WYCE Day Sponsorship is in memory of Scott Usadel (you-sa-dell).
Scott Usadel (you-sa-dell). was many things: a husband, father, teacher, mediator, and a WYCE listener sponsor.
October 13 was his birthday so today we wish him a happy memorial birthday from his sons Josh and Nick, wife Mary, and grandchildren Finn and Annabelle.
Thanks for introducing me to WYCE Dad! (*your son, Josh)
Today's WYCE Day Sponsorship is in memory of Scott Usadel (you-sa-dell).
Scott Usadel (you-sa-dell). was many things: a husband, father, teacher, mediator, and a WYCE listener sponsor.
October 13 was his birthday so today we wish him a happy memorial birthday from his sons Josh and Nick, wife Mary, and grandchildren Finn and Annabelle.
Thanks for introducing me to WYCE Dad! (*your son, Josh)