SelimJoyous (1977) 2022 via Craft Recordings
Les Claypool Turned 60 on 9/29
The YWCA West Central Michigan is a social justice organization with more than 100 years of experience providing service to, and advocating on behalf of the most vulnerable people in our community.
Support for WYCE comes from Mercantile Bank.
At Mercantile Bank, supporting the communities they serve is a vital part of who they are.
Their team is focused on making a positive impact because when community and banking meet, Merc is here.
More information is at mercbank.com.
Audio PSA
Play Concert Calendar
Disability Advocates works alongside persons with disabilities and helps them gain access to home, community, and employment through a wide range of programs.
Disability Advocates also provides home assessments for safety and independence, youth transition services such as career exploration, resume writing, and mock interviews for young adults with disabilities, and community assessments and education.
Disability Advocates mission is to provide access for all, regardless of ability.
More information on Disability Advocates is at www.dakc dot us (you-ess)
Support for WYCE comes from Mercantile Bank.
At Mercantile Bank, supporting the communities they serve is a vital part of who they are.
Their team is focused on making a positive impact because when community and banking meet, Merc is here.
More information is at mercbank.com.
Support for WYCE comes from Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University.
Kendall College is offering a day of creative guidance and exploration for high school students, parents, and transfer students at their National Portfolio Day on Sunday October 22.
More information on National Portfolio Day is at K-C-A-D dot E-D-U SLASH N-P-D.
Discover the Grand Rapids Chinese Language School, serving the communities since 1991.
Support for WYCE comes from Mercantile Bank.
At Mercantile Bank, supporting the communities they serve is a vital part of who they are.
Their team is focused on making a positive impact because when community and banking meet, Merc is here.
More information is at mercbank.com.