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Support for WYCE comes from Listening Lawn: Outdoor performances at Studio Park in Downtown Grand Rapids.
On Wednesday August 2nd Listening Lawn welcomes the Indigo Girls at 7:00PM.
Indigo Girls are a folk rock duo that got their start in Atlanta in 1985.
Tickets and details for the Listening Lawn are at The Midtown G-R dot com or visit the cinema box office inside Studio Park.
Listening Lawn performances take place on the Studio Park Outdoor Piazza Rain or Shine
The Children's Advocacy Center leads the local effort in supporting suspected victims of child sexual abuse, as well as providing community education to prevent such assaults.
Talking about child sexual abuse is emotionally challenging ... but what's even harder is ignoring the facts.
One in ten children will be sexually abused before they turn 18.
If a child tells you they've been abused... it's crucial that you carefully listen, believe them, and report it to police or CPS.
To learn more about Children's Advocacy Center visit C A C DASH KENT DOT ORG.
Disability Advocates works alongside persons with disabilities and helps them gain access to home, community, and employment through a wide range of programs.
Disability Advocates also provides home assessments for safety and independence, youth transition services such as career exploration, resume writing, and mock interviews for young adults with disabilities, and community assessments and education.
Disability Advocates mission is to provide access for all, regardless of ability.
More information on Disability Advocates is at www.dakc dot us (you-ess)
Free summer concerts return to downtown Grand Rapids this month as WYCE and The Grand Rapids Art Museum present the GRAM on the Green 2023 outdoor concert series.
On Thursday, August 3rd, WYCE presents live music from The Bootstrap Boys!
Music starts at 6 pm on the Museum Terrace and features hands-on art making, food trucks, and beverages. WYCE merchandise will also be available.
More information on GRAM on the Green is at "art museum G-R dot O-R-G"
Did you know that half a million children in Michigan live in food insecure households?
More than 34,000 of those children live right here in West Michigan.
The only way we will realize a hunger-free community is by getting there together.
Kids' Food Basket is a food equity nonprofit supporting West Michigan kids and families by increasing access to healthy, nourishing meals.
More information at kids food basket dot org.
Do-it-yourself TV, podcasting, and filmmaking start here at the Grand Rapids Community Media Center with GRTV!
GRTV's certification classes are now back in full swing, and they offer knowledge & access for makers of every skill level.
Class offerings include Intro to Video Production, Intro to Podcasting, Studio Production, and others
Once certified, GRCMC Members get free access to GRTV gear, available for checkout during business hours.
You can learn more at grtv dot org slash learn. (grtv.org/learn)