Gotan Project
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Lucy loves "music with a beat". That works out well, because WYCE tends to feature beat-equipped music in its library.
06/17/2023 GLC LIVE AT 20 MONROE 11 Ottawa Avenue Northwest Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Starts: 7:00pm
Not near a radio? That's not a problem anymore.
In addition to our 24/7 live stream at WYCE dot org and our FREE Smartphone app, you can also listen to WYCE at home on your favorite smart speaker.
Simply tell your Amazon or Google smart speaker to "Play WYCE" ,-- and A World of Music will begin playing for you!
No matter where you are, you now have several ways to enjoy your favorite programmers, and a world of music on WYCE!
Support for WYCE comes from the first annual Blues at the Ballpark Festival hosted by the West Michigan Blues Society and the Fans of Valley Field organization.
Blues at the Ballpark Festival will take place Saturday June 24th at At Sullivan Field... formerly Valley Field..., located at 650 Valley Ave in Grand Rapids. Featuring music from five different local and regional blues bands.
Tickets and more information at fansofvalleyfield.org.
Support for WYCE comes from - Fans of Valley Field... a nonprofit group working with the City of Grand Rapids to activate and renovate Sullivan field... formerly known as Valley Field.
Fans of Valley Field are working to support local musicians and artists while activating and renovating an authentic historical baseball stadium.
WYCE listeners are encouraged to learn about this year's Ballpark Series at Sullivan Field.
Saturday, June 24 Fans of Valley Field hosts a Blues Festival, with the West Michigan Blues Society.
A full schedule of events plus ticket information on the Ballpark Series is available at fansofvalleyfield dot o-r-g.
Support today for WYCE comes from Women of Rock...presented in cooperation with Crooked Tree Creative, Jennifer Bartlett and Grace *Theisen.
The Women of Rock performance on June 22nd at the Pyramid Scheme will highlight and pay tribute to female rock stars over several decades.
The Women of Rock performance will offer a wide variety of musical genres performed by local artists like Grace *Theisen, Caitlin Cusack, Dani Darling and others.
A portion of ticket sales will benefit Girls Rock! Grand Rapids...a nonprofit program that teaches young women to play an instrument and find their voice.
Information at Pyramidschemebar dot com slash events
Play Concert Calendar
Support for WYCE comes from the first annual Blues at the Ballpark Festival hosted by the West Michigan Blues Society and the Fans of Valley Field organization.
Blues at the Ballpark Festival will take place Saturday June 24th at At Sullivan Field... formerly Valley Field..., located at 650 Valley Ave in Grand Rapids. Featuring music from five different local and regional blues bands.
Tickets and more information at fansofvalleyfield.org.
06/15/2023 MIDTOWN GR 123 Ionia Ave SW, 2nd Floor Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Starts: 7:30pm
Support for WYCE comes from - Fans of Valley Field... a nonprofit group working with the City of Grand Rapids to activate and renovate Sullivan field... formerly known as Valley Field.
Fans of Valley Field are working to support local musicians and artists while activating and renovating an authentic historical baseball stadium.
WYCE listeners are encouraged to learn about this year's Ballpark Series at Sullivan Field.
Saturday, June 24 Fans of Valley Field hosts a Blues Festival, with the West Michigan Blues Society.
A full schedule of events plus ticket information on the Ballpark Series is available at fansofvalleyfield dot o-r-g.
Support for WYCE comes from SectionLive presenting The 502s performing live at The Stache at The Intersection on Wednesday September 6 at 7pm.
The Florida-based indie rock band is touring in support of their latest release "Stories To Tell."
Tickets and more information for the 502s is at www.sectionlive dot com.
Support for WYCE comes from the first annual Blues at the Ballpark Festival hosted by the West Michigan Blues Society and the Fans of Valley Field organization.
Blues at the Ballpark Festival will take place Saturday June 24th at At Sullivan Field... formerly Valley Field..., located at 650 Valley Ave in Grand Rapids. Featuring music from five different local and regional blues bands.
Tickets and more information at fansofvalleyfield.org.
06/14/2023 MIDTOWN GR 123 Ionia Ave SW, 2nd Floor Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Starts: 7:30pm
Support for WYCE comes from - Fans of Valley Field... a nonprofit group working with the City of Grand Rapids to activate and renovate Sullivan field... formerly known as Valley Field.
Fans of Valley Field are working to support local musicians and artists while activating and renovating an authentic historical baseball stadium.
WYCE listeners are encouraged to learn about this year's Ballpark Series at Sullivan Field.
Saturday, June 24 Fans of Valley Field hosts a Blues Festival, with the West Michigan Blues Society.
A full schedule of events plus ticket information on the Ballpark Series is available at fansofvalleyfield dot o-r-g.