Daniel Smith
Hummin'Smokin' Hot Bassoon Blues 2014 via Summit
The Children's Advocacy Center leads the local effort in supporting suspected victims of child sexual abuse, as well as providing community education to prevent such assaults.
Talking about child sexual abuse is emotionally challenging ... but what's even harder is ignoring the facts.
One in ten children will be sexually abused before they turn 18.
If a child tells you they've been abused... it's crucial that you carefully listen, believe them, and report it to police or CPS.
To learn more about Children's Advocacy Center visit C A C DASH KENT DOT ORG.
Disability Advocates works alongside persons with disabilities and helps them gain access to home, community, and employment through a wide range of programs.
Disability Advocates also provides home assessments for safety and independence, youth transition services such as career exploration, resume writing, and mock interviews for young adults with disabilities, and community assessments and education.
Disability Advocates mission is to provide access for all, regardless of ability.
More information on Disability Advocates is at www.dakc dot us (you-ess)
Support for WYCE comes from the first annual Blues at the Ballpark Festival hosted by the West Michigan Blues Society and the Fans of Valley Field organization.
Blues at the Ballpark Festival will take place Saturday June 24th at Valley Field, located at 650 Valley Ave in Grand Rapids. Featuring music from five different local and regional blues bands. Tickets and more information at fansofvalleyfield.org.
Song request by Grahm
Support for WYCE comes from Vertigo Music of Grand Rapids. Vertigo Music is proud to support New Standards, airing every Sunday night at 6pm on WYCE.
Vertigo Music offer tens of thousands of new and used LPs, CDs, and cassettes spanning all musical genres, plus new music in stock daily. Online at VertigoMusic Dot GR.
Host Larae brings you the very best of the latest new music releases on WYCE's New Standards Program every Sunday night from 6 to 8 PM on 88.1 FM. WYCE.
Song request by Hannah
HOPE Gardens is a Wyoming-based nonprofit that exists to Help Other People Eat by empowering children, families, and communities to grow their own food.
HOPE Gardens invites you to their Empower U garden on Tuesday, September 17, 6:30-8pm for a Sip and Savor evening celebrating the beauty and flavors of heirloom tomatoes and refreshing mocktails crafted by mixologist Michael Bryan, featuring fresh herbs from the garden.
All proceeds from the event will help HOPE Gardens grow with students in school gardens.
Registration for the event plus more info is online at Hopegardensgr dot org
More information on Hope Gardens is available at hopegardensgr dot org.