Asha Puthli
Mister MoonlightThe Essential 2022 via Mr. Bongo
Anything funky, greazy, groovy, or stanky. Also anything that's sweet, smooth, soars, or soothes. And everything else that twangs, buzzes, swings or moves. Bring your buzz, or not- but this is a show for those who listen deep into the music.
Are you a Michigan musician or know of a few talented artists?
Support today on WYCE comes from Section live presenting Todd Snider on Saturday, November 5th!
Todd Snider's songwriting combines the influence of folk, rock, blues, and heart-felt storytelling into an intricate display of talent, and he's coming back to West Michigan for another unforgettable show!
Tickets available now at section live dot com.
Todd Snider live at The Intersection on Saturday, November 5th!