Dance Around ItSecond Nature 2022 via Mom + Pop
JWo, for your listening pleasure, Tuesdays 3-6p & whenever; music for head, heart, & soul.
Playing The Mint (in the Intersection) Friday 7/1!
Are you a Michigan musician or know of a few talented artists?
Playing Pyramid Scheme Thursday, 6/30!
Support today on WYCE comes from TigerSolar, formerly Altenergy Inc, a solar contractor designing renewable energy systems serving Grand Rapids, and managed and staffed by professionals familiar with the region and its people.
Becky Barksdale
Playing Smiling Acres Music Festival THIS WEEKEND!
Support on WYCE today comes from Smiling Acres Music Festival!
Smiling Acres Music Festival takes place over 4th of July weekend, July 1st through 4th, just 45 minutes North of Grand Rapids in Trufant, MI. The festival is situated on 40 acres with 5 public lakes within 5 miles.
Over 40 bands are playing the festival's two stages such as Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band, Seth Bernard, Lady Ace Boogie, Deepfall, the Mark Lavengood Band, and more - plus craft and food vendors. This is an all ages event.
Tickets and more information can be found at smilingacres.org.
Playing Bell's in Kzoo 8/15! New Album Spell/Bound out next month!
Playing The Mint (Intersection) Friday 7/1!
Play Concert Calendar
Support today on WYCE comes from TigerSolar, formerly Altenergy Inc, a solar contractor designing renewable energy systems serving Grand Rapids, and managed and staffed by professionals familiar with the region and its people.
Cry Babies
Playing Founders Thursday, 6/30!
Playing Smiling Acres Music Festival THIS WEEKEND!
Support on WYCE today comes from Smiling Acres Music Festival!
Smiling Acres Music Festival takes place over 4th of July weekend, July 1st through 4th, just 45 minutes North of Grand Rapids in Trufant, MI. The festival is situated on 40 acres with 5 public lakes within 5 miles.
Over 40 bands are playing the festival's two stages such as Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band, Seth Bernard, Lady Ace Boogie, Deepfall, the Mark Lavengood Band, and more - plus craft and food vendors. This is an all ages event.
Tickets and more information can be found at smilingacres.org.
The Moldy Peaches
Playing FMG Tuesday Evening Music Club TONIGHT!
Playing FMG Tuesday Evening Music Club TONIGHT!
The recently expanded Tuesday Evening Music Club brings talented local and regional musicians to the Frederik Meijer Gardens Amphitheater stage every Tuesday evening throughout June, July and August!
Concerts begin at 7 pm and there's room for picnics! These outdoor performances are included in Meijer Gardens membership and for any general admission visitor to the Gardens on Tuesdays.
The Tuesday Evening Music Club is generously supported by WYCE, Corporate Live and Meyer Music.
The full lineup and additional information can be found at at Meijer Gardens dot org slash tuesday.
Support today on WYCE comes from TigerSolar, formerly Altenergy Inc, a solar contractor designing renewable energy systems serving Grand Rapids, and managed and staffed by professionals familiar with the region and its people.
Playing Smiling Acres Music Festival THIS WEEKEND!
Support on WYCE today comes from Smiling Acres Music Festival!
Smiling Acres Music Festival takes place over 4th of July weekend, July 1st through 4th, just 45 minutes North of Grand Rapids in Trufant, MI. The festival is situated on 40 acres with 5 public lakes within 5 miles.
Over 40 bands are playing the festival's two stages such as Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band, Seth Bernard, Lady Ace Boogie, Deepfall, the Mark Lavengood Band, and more - plus craft and food vendors. This is an all ages event.
Tickets and more information can be found at smilingacres.org.