Tunde Olaniran
VulnerableStranger 2018 via Magic Wheel
JWo, for your listening pleasure, Tuesdays 3-6p & whenever; music for head, heart, & soul.
Check out "WYCE dot org" to stay in tune with Grand Rapids area concerts.
Our online concerts and events calendar lets you know the best local spots to hear live music by WYCE-approved musicians.
Please send concert listings to calendars@wyce.org
Concert Calendar is a free service of Grand Rapids Community Media Center.
@Bell's 7/12!
@FoundersFest, 6/22!
WYCE's Spring Fund Drive Kicks off this Friday!
Join WYCE tomorrow, Thursday at noon in HOME at The Bob for a remote broadcast of GR Live!
@20 Monroe 9/11
@PScheme 4/25