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Playlist from 09/08/2018 @ 8:00am

view other shifts on 09/08/2018

Michael J.

Providing a musical oasis on your radio dial, with thoughtful song selection and information on what you're hearing.

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all tracks listed in reverse chronological order

Gregory Porter

Liquid Spirit
Liquid Spirit 2013 via Blue Note
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Kasey Chambers

You Got the Car
The Captain 1999 via Warner Brothers
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9:40 am
CMC Tours (click for more info)

Mark your calendar for the upcoming Community Media Center Tour:

Wednesday September 12th from from 4-5PM Come on by and enjoy a coffee and a treat while getting a tour for the Grand Rapids Community Media Center and all it has to offer. 

Check out The GRTV studio, learn about classes, and take a peek at WYCE 88.1 FM Studio.

Tours are offered every second Wednesday of the month at the CMC, in  September and November.

Wealthy Theater in October and December. More information at

Eric Lindell

Revolution In Your Heart 2018 via Alligator Records
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Jeremy Hoekstra

Alright Tonight
Give It Up 2018 via Independent
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Local musician

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9:30 am

Paul Simon

One Man's Ceiling is Another Man's Floor
In The Blue Light 2018 via SONY LEGACY
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Mary Lou Lord

Western Union Desperate
Got No Shadow 1998 via Sony
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Ray Charles

I Got a Woman
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Mariachi Reyna De Los Angeles

Mariachi Reyna De Los Angeles 2018 via Smithsonian Folkways
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9:20 am

Norah Jones

Feels Like Home 2004 via Blue Note Records
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Devendra Banhart

Be Kind
Niño Rojo 2004 via Young God Records
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Natalia M. King

Paint It Black & Blue
Bluezzin T'il Dawn 2017 via Challenge Records
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Amos Lee

My New Moon 2018 via Dualtone
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Debra Perry & Majestic Praise

This Joy
Conqueror 2018 via Independent
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Local musicians!


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9:00 am
Van Portfliet memorial (click for more info)

-Statement #1: Even Hours 8am,10am,12p, 2p, 4p, 6p

 "Today's WYCE day sponsorship is from the friends and family of Ron Van PortFleet: 

We think of you daily, especially when spending time in nature, amongst gardens, flowers, Hawks and Eagles. 

Thank you for passing on your wisdom, your open-mindedness, your appreciation for art and your love of all music.

Happy 69th Birthday, Dad. Love always, Derrick, Emily, Jay and Kelly." 
 - Statement #2 Odd Hours 7a, 9a, 11a, 1p, 3p, 5p, 7p 
 Today's day sponsorship is from the friends and family of Ron Van PortFleet: 

Today, we celebrate the life of Ron VanPortFleet on what would be his 69th birthday with a poem by Robert Frost: 
 "Nothing Gold Can Stay" 

 Nature's first green is gold, 
 Her hardest hue to hold. 
 Her early leaf's a flower; But only so an hour. 
 Then leaf subsides to leaf. 
 So Eden sank to grief. 
 So dawn goes down to day. 
 Nothing gold can stay. 

 Happy Birthday, Dad. Love always, Derrick, Emily, Jay and Kelly.

Bob Dylan

Love And Theft 2001 via Sony
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Jupiter & Okwess

Kin Sonic 2018 via Everloving
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Amy Helm

Heaven's Holding Me
This Too Shall Light 2018 via Yep Roc
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8:40 am
Promo - Vibrations Radio (click for more info)

Vibrations Radio
Sundays 9-10pm EST

Andrew Bird

Measuring Cups
The Mysterious Production of Eggs 2005 via Righteous Babe
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Andra Day

Gin & Juice (Let Go My Hand)
Cheers To The Fall 2015 via Warner Brothers
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Alvin Youngblood Hart

Territory 1998 via Hannibal
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8:30 am


Straight Shot
This Night Falls Forever 2018 via Concord
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Iron & Wine

What Hurts Worse
Weed Garden 2018 via Sub Pop
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8:20 am

Bim Skala Bim

8 Track Mind
Eyes & Ears 1994 via Bib
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Come down to the Eastown Streetfair today! Starts at 9 a.m. and WYCE is selling records, tapes, CDs, even 8-tracks for $1 each!

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Lilly Hiatt

Trinity Lane 2017 via New West
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Brian Setzer Orchestra

Vavoom! 2000 via Interscope Records
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Irma Thomas

Old Records
If You Want It, Come and Get It 2001 via Rounder / Umgd
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Beth Wood

My Miles Davis 'Kind of Blue'
Late Night Radio 1999 via Mehaffey Publishing
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8:00 am
Van Portfliet memorial (click for more info)

-Statement #1: Even Hours 8am,10am,12p, 2p, 4p, 6p

 "Today's WYCE day sponsorship is from the friends and family of Ron Van PortFleet: 

We think of you daily, especially when spending time in nature, amongst gardens, flowers, Hawks and Eagles. 

Thank you for passing on your wisdom, your open-mindedness, your appreciation for art and your love of all music.

Happy 69th Birthday, Dad. Love always, Derrick, Emily, Jay and Kelly." 
 - Statement #2 Odd Hours 7a, 9a, 11a, 1p, 3p, 5p, 7p 
 Today's day sponsorship is from the friends and family of Ron Van PortFleet: 

Today, we celebrate the life of Ron VanPortFleet on what would be his 69th birthday with a poem by Robert Frost: 
 "Nothing Gold Can Stay" 

 Nature's first green is gold, 
 Her hardest hue to hold. 
 Her early leaf's a flower; But only so an hour. 
 Then leaf subsides to leaf. 
 So Eden sank to grief. 
 So dawn goes down to day. 
 Nothing gold can stay. 

 Happy Birthday, Dad. Love always, Derrick, Emily, Jay and Kelly.