All Hands On The Bad OneStart Together - 1994 To 2006 - A Sampler 2014 via Sub Pop
JWo, for your listening pleasure, Tuesdays 3-6p & whenever; music for head, heart, & soul.
11/4 WYCE show with 20 Monroe
Local Spins on WYCE is a 1-hour exploration of the best music from the Grand Rapids area and West Michigan. The program often debuts new songs by seasoned artists as well as emerging acts who merit attention and broader exposure.
The show is hosted by John "SINK-uh-vitch" from LocalSpins.com, the website covering West Michigan's music scene. Each week, John invites local artists into the studio for live music and conversation.
Tune in for "Local Spins on WYCE" every Friday at 11am. And browse every archived episode online at WYCE dot org
Join us each Friday at 9am for Acoustic Cafe! Each week, listeners around the globe tune in to Acoustic Café to hear the latest from today's great songwriting talents.
This week, host Rob Reinhart welcomes the band Real Estate with a session in the Leon Loft
Acoustic Cafe is Friday at 9am - exclusively on WYCE!
9/2 @ Pyramid Scheme!
GR Music
GR Music
Support for WYCE comes from The Pyramid Scheme, a pub and music venue in the Heartside neighborhood.
This Friday, August 25th, The Pyramid Scheme presents Local Showcase #17 - featuring performances by "Emma Loo & Sam"; "Twin Flame"; "78 Revolutions Per Minute"; and "Reggie"
The Pyramid Scheme is located at 68 Commerce Avenue South West
Ages 21+ welcome. Doors open at 8:30pm.
Tickets at Pyramid Scheme Bar dot com
MI music
Join us each Friday at 9am for Acoustic Cafe! Each week, listeners around the globe tune in to Acoustic Café to hear the latest from today's great songwriting talents.
This week, host Rob Reinhart welcomes the band Real Estate with a session in the Leon Loft
Acoustic Cafe is Friday at 9am - exclusively on WYCE!
Support for WYCE comes from The Pyramid Scheme, a pub and music venue in the Heartside neighborhood.
This Friday, August 25th, The Pyramid Scheme presents Local Showcase #17 - featuring performances by "Emma Loo & Sam"; "Twin Flame"; "78 Revolutions Per Minute"; and "Reggie"
The Pyramid Scheme is located at 68 Commerce Avenue South West
Ages 21+ welcome. Doors open at 8:30pm.
Tickets at Pyramid Scheme Bar dot com
Check out "WYCE dot org" to stay in tune with Grand Rapids area concerts.
Our online concerts and events calendar lets you know the best local spots to hear live music by WYCE-approved musicians.
Please send concert listings to calendars@wyce.org
Concert Calendar is a free service of Grand Rapids Community Media Center.
WYCE presents Local Spins Live at Speak EZ Lounge - every Wednesday night at 8pm! This series features a wide array of the best musicians in the West Michigan area, performing in a casual setting with no cover charge.
Tomorrow night, Local Spins Live welcomes Conrad Shock & The Noise, Local Spins' Emerging Artist of the Year!
Speak EZ Lounge is located at 600 Monroe Avenue NorthWest
Ages "21 plus" welcome after 9pm.