Erin Bode
But Not for MeDon't Take Your Time 2004 via Max Jazz Records
High energy mix of the styles I've loved all of my life and the many new things I've been exposed to since I first discovered WYCE.
Local Spins on WYCE is a 1-hour exploration of the best music from the Grand Rapids area and West Michigan. The program often debuts new songs by seasoned artists as well as emerging acts who merit attention and broader exposure.
The show is hosted by John "SINK-uh-vitch" from LocalSpins.com, the website covering West Michigan's music scene. Each week, John invites local artists into the studio for live music and conversation.
Tune in for "Local Spins on WYCE" every Friday at 11am. And browse every archived episode online at WYCE dot org
Tune in every Friday at 11am for Local Spins on WYCE, a one-hour exploration of the best in local and regional music, hosted by veteran music journalist John "Sink-uh-vitch", publisher of Local Spins.com.
This week, John welcomes The Accidentals on the occasion of the release of their new album, Odyssey!
Plus we'll spin some of the best new local and regional recordings, often heard for the first time anywhere on the radio!
Local Spins on WYCE - coming up at 11am - right here on WYCE!
WYCE joins The Pyramid Scheme in welcoming Kevin Morby - live in concert - Saturday, September 2nd.
Kevin Morby is out on tour in support of his fourth solo album, City Music.
The Pyramid Scheme is a pub and music venue in the Heartside neighborhood.
Tickets and more details can be found at Pyramid Scheme Bar dot com
Support for WYCE comes from UICA, Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts.
UICA features gallery exhibitions of work from regional, national and international artists throughout the year and hosts a range of events including concerts, performance art, artist receptions and gallery talks.
NOW ON VIEW, UICA celebrates 40 years of experimentation and growth with The Jump Off, a group exhibition that features multiple works by local, regional, and national artists. The artists included in the exhibition reveal the evolution within the creative process by presenting artwork that defines their current practice paired with earlier works.
Details at uica.org.
WYCE's annual CD & Record Sale is entering its 10th year and we're once again accepting donations of LPs, CDs and Cassettes for this fundraising event! The Sale will be held at the Eastown Street Fair on Saturday, September 9th. Your donations of music could be tax deductible and all proceeds of the sale will support WYCE!
All donations are encouraged, regardless of artist or genre, as long as the media is in good shape and in its original case.
Donations will be accepted through Friday, September 1st. Donations may be dropped off to the Community Media Center at 711 Bridge Street North West. Please email cassie@grcmc.org to arrange a time for drop off.
WYCE joins The Pyramid Scheme in welcoming Kevin Morby - live in concert - Saturday, September 2nd.
Kevin Morby is out on tour in support of his fourth solo album, City Music.
The Pyramid Scheme is a pub and music venue in the Heartside neighborhood.
Tickets and more details can be found at Pyramid Scheme Bar dot com