Jim Campilongo
FingerpuppetOrange 2010 via Blue Hen Records
Check out "WYCE dot org" to stay in tune with Grand Rapids area concerts.
Our online concerts and events calendar lets you know the best local spots to hear live music by WYCE-approved musicians.
Please send concert listings to [email protected]
Concert Calendar is a free service of Grand Rapids Community Media Center.
Local Spins on WYCE is a 1-hour exploration of the best music from the Grand Rapids area and West Michigan. The program often debuts new songs by seasoned artists as well as emerging acts who merit attention and broader exposure.
The show is hosted by John "SINK-uh-vitch" from LocalSpins.com, the website covering West Michigan's music scene. Each week, John invites local artists into the studio for live music and conversation.
Tune in for "Local Spins on WYCE" every Friday at 11am. And browse every archived episode online at WYCE dot org
St. Cecilia Music Center is pleased to present jazz piano prodigy Joey Alexander TOMORROW NIGHT as part of the 2017 jazz series.
Support for WYCE comes from The Pyramid Scheme, a pub and music venue in the Heartside neighborhood.
This Friday, March 24th, The Pyramid Scheme welcomes two Jammie Award-winning west Michigan bands in one night!
St. Cecilia Music Center is pleased to present jazz piano prodigy Joey Alexander TOMORROW NIGHT as part of the 2017 jazz series.
Join us for our next episode of GR Live - Thursday at noon! We'll be broadcasting live from HOME at The BOB in downtown Grand Rapids.
Tomorrow, host Quinn Mathews welcomes performances by "Rough & Tumble" and "Couch Jackets"!
Those who are part of the live audience can enjoy Bobarino's pizza buffet and beverages from BOB's Brewery! If you can't make it, tune in to hear the show from noon to 1pm right here on WYCE!
GR Live is made possible by Experience Grand Rapids, Downtown Grand Rapids, INC. and Founders Brewing - more information and schedule at "GR Live Radio dot com"
Tune in every Friday at 11am for Local Spins on WYCE, a one-hour exploration of the best in local and regional music, hosted by veteran music journalist John "Sink-uh-vitch", publisher of Local Spins.com.
This week on Local Spins, John welcomes Detroit's "Timbre of Cedar", who will be performing Friday night at Long Road Distillers.
Plus we'll spin some of the best new local and regional recordings, often heard for the first time anywhere on the radio!
It's all coming up this Friday at 11am, right here on WYCE!
Want to get the word out about a special event? Interested in sharing some words of wisdom or spreading the word about a nonprofit organization that's doing great work in our community?