Edgar Meyer, Bela Fleck and Mike Marshall
Uncommon RitualUncommon Ritual 1997 via Sony
Lucy loves "music with a beat". That works out well, because WYCE tends to feature beat-equipped music in its library.
April's Album of the Month is Short Movie, the 5th full-length album from 25-year-old English singer-songwriter Laura Marling, courtesy Virgin Records.
Just $30 a month to WYCE let's you receive a handpicked CD in your mailbox each month!
Email nicole@wyce.org to subscribe!
Tune in to WYCE for intimate in-studio interviews - and live performances - from local and touring musicians. We bring you up close to some of our favorite acts as they share brand new songs - often before they're even released - with stories and insights behind the music.
Then, check out "WYCE dot org" for an audio archive of recent in-studio performances. While you're there, browse our calendar of upcoming artist visits!
Check out "WYCE dot org" to stay in tune with Grand Rapids area concerts.
Our online concerts and events calendar lets you know the best local spots to hear live music by WYCE-approved musicians.
Please send concert listings to calendars@wyce.org
Concert Calendar is a free service of Grand Rapids Community Media Center.
po box 3199
grand rapids, michigan 49501
Support for WYCE comes from The Wege Foundation, presenting the 19th annual Wege Speaker Series at Aquinas College on Thursday April 23rd.
The Key speaker will be international architect, author, researcher, and educator Edward Mazria. Founder and head of Architecture 2030, he will be talking about developing architecture districts that serve as a business model for urban sustainability.
The public is invited and the event is free. Registration is required, however, and can be completed at AQUINAS dot EDU slash WEGE SPEAKER (weh-gee speaker)
The 19th annual Wege Speaker Series at Aquinas College on Thursday April 23rd.
Support for WYCE come from Pyramid Scheme presenting Drawing Monsters, The Love Hate, Hollywood Make Out and Har di Har ---tonight!
Drawing Monsters releases their new album 'Nate and Cole Find a Radio'. Tickets are available at the door and also online at ticket web dot com.
Drawing Monsters, The Love Hate, Hollywood Make Out and Har di Ha at the the pyramid scheme in downtown grand rapids tonight!.
Support for WYCE comes from The Wege Foundation, presenting the 19th annual Wege Speaker Series at Aquinas College on Thursday April 23rd.
The Key speaker will be international architect, author, researcher, and educator Edward Mazria. Founder and head of Architecture 2030, he will be talking about developing architecture districts that serve as a business model for urban sustainability.
The public is invited and the event is free. Registration is required, however, and can be completed at AQUINAS dot EDU slash WEGE SPEAKER (weh-gee speaker)
The 19th annual Wege Speaker Series at Aquinas College on Thursday April 23rd.