Old & In The Way
Old and in the WayOld & In The Way 1975 via United Artists
It's the Ying and the Yang, the Sweet and the Spicy, the Beauty and the Beast. It's the Jewel and the Fool: It's the Ruby-Deuzer Show!
Perhaps the most important Thanksgiving Day song ever written.
... and for dessert: Sweet Potato and Coconut Cream Pie! Mmmmm Mmmmm!
...nothing better than Ruby's biscuits!
"Don't forget to 'burp' the lid!"
Sandwiches tomorrow! (Thanks to Deuzer Jr. for this recommendation!)
Ruby's sister-in-law 'Opal' cooked-up a great Thanksgiving Possum! Yuuuuuuuuum!
The true story of one man's search for the perfect Thanksgiving turkey.
Happy Thanksgiving one and all! Ruby & Deuzer hope your dinner was as great as ours was: Ruby's sister-in-law "Opal" made THIS fabulous feast.